Are you Up To Know Good?

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Friday, April 30, 2010

The iPond

Almost bedtime a few nights ago, I logged onto the computer to check email. One notified me of a direct message (DM) from @mrdavidwilcox on Twitter.

A huge fan, I signed in to Twitter to read it again. While there, I glanced at my Twitter stream and noticed David (I'm guessing we're now on a first name basis) had also replied to a tweet I'd sent him!

Quickly I scanned further and found two other tweets that continued conversations I'd started plus a new DM. Not wanting to let those folks down I jotted brief replies after looking up a few bits of info on each to appear slightly less of a Twitter novice (which I think would appropriately be called a Twit.)

I sent my replies, did one retweet and read new ones that had appeared. Someone referenced Facebook, so I logged in there to make a couple quick comments as well.

Back on Twitter, I figured a mini thought-of-the-day would be a good way to close. Plus, it couldn't take long to write only 140 characters. My fingers flying on the keyboard, I wrote, read, edited, and tweeted.

Taking a deep breath I looked at the clock. Thirty minutes had somehow slipped by as I "briefly" checked email and my social media sites. Yikes!

-Not long after an iPod Touch became part of our family, my three year old daughter referred to it as "Daddy's iPond."
We laughed at her slip though sometimes that's painfully close to the truth.-

Do Good - Take note of how much time you are spending on social media and technology this week. Is it benefitting and refreshing you and others? Do you need to make changes in this area of life?

In college we had a favorite quote about our late nights and first-hour classes: "It's useless to rise early and go to bed late." Useless. Not less beneficial, not exhausting - useless! Another translation of this Psalm read "It is vain for you to rise early and retire late."

Why? The writer answers in the next phrase, "for God gives rest to his loved ones." If you're not sure that includes you, remember that "God loved the world" so He sent us Jesus. Jesus tells us that by "believing I came directly from the Father, the Father loves you directly."

You are loved by the Father, the very God of the universe. I pray this blog reminds you of that, and hopefully then this time will have been well-spent! Plus, maybe we can all be more mindful if streams of life are flowing through us or if we have simply started wallowing in our individual iPonds.

Lord, Thank you that we don't need to tweet, download, blog or Facebook in vain! Help us to approach all of life with Your love.


  1. Such a great message, Sara. Too many times I see people updating their "status" saying they're overwhelmed with work or don't have enough time to get everything done. GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO!!
    I love your blog. . . You're doing great.

  2. You are a wonderful example of balance and peace, my friend, and encouragement from you means so much. Thanks for reading!
